
your desire is one capable of rest. mine keeps its eyes open, stalks through heat that quivers, waits to be fed. the sun burns a hole through the sky and i am patient. the ocean eats and eats at the sand and still hungers. i watch its wide blue tongue, knowing you are on the other side.


dual ocs penned by leo.





* やまたのおろち *


you claw, you fight, you lose.






general .

ooc .

general rp etiquette applies ! due to the nature of these characters, i would prefer that my rp partners be 18+. further, i'm quite fond of continuous & plotted roleplay— if you're interested in a particular hook or have an interest in making a connection with either of these two characters, please let me know !as always, communication is important ! let me know if anything makes you uncomfortable & i will do the same.

i am not my character; the views, actions, and words of my characters do not mirror my own. you have my permission to harm my characters however you'd like, so long as there is no godmodding or metagaming ! in fact, acts of violence are welcome.mature & dark rp is to be expected; these characters are available for almost anything, but please remember that ooc does not equal ic.discord is available upon request.

alias leo. age twenty one+. prns she&her. tmzn cst.

you claw, you fight, you lose.




your first memory was this: glutted on fear & terror & the endless despair of the dead, you rose from the dark— serpentine & knowing naught but the hunger that roused you from your slumber.your second memory, then, was the way the eyes of your seven siblings glinted in the dark: you the eighth. you shared the same animal gaze, wild & fevered & just as filled with light.



this is a mercy: far removed from any semblance of humanity, you and your siblings roamed the old earth— fed on new blood and whetting your appetites upon monsters & men alike, naming yourself as new gods in an age of glory. corruption begins with the mouth & you are sick with the desire that grips at your throat—

sick with the way that damned hunting-song thrums within your veins, your hands wet with the blood of god-kings and would-be heroes. you lick it all up, baby, mouth red with what remains of your want and, oh, there's still so much want left in your hole of a heart.you're insatiable— wanna fit your teeth to the throat of god, wanna bite down and lay claim to all that is sacred, so go ahead and take it; what god could stop you now?




you claw, you fight, you lose.




•⠀⠀ name ⠀⠀ enma.
•⠀⠀ age ⠀⠀ appears mid-late twenties.
•⠀⠀ pronouns ⠀⠀ she&her.
•⠀⠀ orientation ⠀⠀ pansexual.
•⠀⠀ race ⠀ ⠀au ra | raen.
•⠀⠀ occupations ⠀⠀ surgeon & courtesan.



•⠀⠀ name ⠀⠀ karakurenai.
•⠀⠀ age ⠀⠀ appears early thirties.
•⠀⠀ pronouns ⠀⠀ he&him.
•⠀⠀ orientation ⠀⠀ pansexual.
•⠀⠀ race ⠀⠀ au ra | xaela.
•⠀⠀ occupations ⠀⠀ hired killer & bodyguard.


you destroy everything that you know.

appearance. red-lipped and honey-voiced, your first impression of her is a woman who would kiss you full on the mouth just as easily as she would press a knife into your spine. her mouth is perpetually curved into a half-moon smile: canines are short but sharp, moon-crested in the lowlight. amusement makes itself home in the darling murmur of her laugh— yet her mask hides the upper part of her features, bone-solid and decorated with strange sigils.ink-dark hair spills across bared shoulders, white scales dotting across collarbone & hollow of throat like stars. plush thighs peek out from slits in the silk that clings to her figure. silver-touched fingers & red-painted fingernails. often seen clad in expensive silk that hugs her hips. switches between traditional geta & knife-sharp stiletto heels; delicate jewelry that drapes around slender wrists and neck.horns are capped with razor-sharp steel of unknown make, engraved with runes. clawed & digitigrade feet; each movement deliberate & graceful. can be seen with a bone-made kiseru, fine shisha inhaled & smoke pluming from parted lips.


•⠀⠀ height ⠀⠀ 4'10''.
•⠀⠀ build ⠀⠀ lithe & sensuous.
•⠀⠀ hair color ⠀⠀ ink-dark & tinted silver.
•⠀⠀ hair style ⠀⠀ long & straight; ending at thighs.
•⠀⠀ eye color ⠀⠀ too-bright gold.
•⠀⠀ piercings ⠀⠀ belly button piercing; unknown.
•⠀⠀ tattoos ⠀⠀ yes; unknown.
•⠀⠀ scars ⠀⠀ none.
•⠀⠀ other ⠀⠀ always masked; red-lipped & languid.


i don't see the light i saw in you before.

appearance. what everyone notices first is his grin: devil-may-care, the faintest hint of a sneer tipping at the curve of his lips. his teeth are big, bright, and sharp— canines meant for shredding and cutting glint in the arrogant lilt of his smile. pupils are slitted, with myriad irises ( red-wild ) overlapping each other like the petals on a sakura flower, aetherical tattoos pulsing a deep-blood crimson as the lines drag from ‘neath his eyes to the arc of his cheekbones & to monster-eyes slit shut ‘neath his arrogant gaze.white hair, tipped pink, is clasped behind his horns: braided, the length of it ending around thighs. often clad in riotous silks— red set on dark that blooms into oranges and yellows— with exposed collarbones and pectorals, silk hugging broad shoulders. in more formal ventures, he prefers wearing sleeveless black tops, red-orange-yellow haori open at his waist as if he’d taken it off halfway. when on bodyguard duty, he is forced to wear dark armour ‘neath his silks.claw-tipped fingers & scales that wind up his forearms; scales are a true-dark colour devoid of imperfections— they dot along the hollows of his collarbones and nestle against his throat. clawed & digitigrade feet; often barefoot or seen with geta. bells are wound around his left ankle. when not on duty, his horns are decorated with elaborate golden hoops and chains.muscled & toned—almost leonine. very, very tall and broad; built for taking hits and returning them.his katana—a shinogi-zukuri—is sheathed, holstered at his waist. it barely sees any use. kukri knives are strapped to his thigh; jaku niku kyo shoku is engraved below their hilts. bone tekko kagi are held at his hips.


•⠀⠀ height ⠀⠀ 8'8''.
•⠀⠀ build ⠀⠀ muscled & toned.
•⠀⠀ hair color ⠀⠀ pink-tipped pale white.
•⠀⠀ hair style ⠀⠀ haphazardly braided; long.
•⠀⠀ eye color ⠀⠀ crimson.
•⠀⠀ piercings ⠀⠀ ornate horn decorations.
•⠀⠀ tattoos ⠀⠀ myriad; most around spine.
•⠀⠀ scars ⠀⠀ unknown.
•⠀⠀ other ⠀⠀ pupils split into petals.




LIKES pleasure, & the direct path to it ・ the warmth of bodies & the intimacy of the dead ・ the flicker of fear turned adoration ・ teeth at the nape of neck & hatred in eyes ・ expensive wine as a companion to good food ・ broken promises & good men ・ the touch of smoke to lips ・ silk fans & ink paintings ・ sweet dangoDISLIKES the icy chill of the north, bitter and cold ・ those who yearn to be pitied ・ saviour-complexes and would-be heroes ・ bad manners & even worse taste ・ the clean-up after a mess

LIKES digging into open wounds & spreading salt into bloodied hands ・ bruises purpling across skin at his touch ・ expensive jars of sake & drunken nights ‘neath sakura trees ・ being called a monster & being treated like one ・ flowers, in general— sakura, most of all, transient things that they areDISLIKES being trapped into an obligation he disdains ・ those who think they deserve something from him ・ the sour-rot smell of corpses baking under the summer sun ・ blood, just before it dries: sticky and cold




you claw, you fight, you lose.





first impression: polite & affectionate.


black-market surgeon; organ collector + dealer; high-class courtesan; liar + dreamseller.you may have heard of her and her siblings if you're based in yanxia, so just say her name to her & she'll offer you a deal.if you have a bounty on your head, you might encounter her in the night.


first impression: foul-mouthed & caustic.


bodyguard for a yakuza heiress; hired killer + bloodsands ( monster ) fighter; bounty hunter, if only for the thrill of it all.if you hunt bounties, nai's got a ton of money on his head. feel free to track him down.if you need protection, if only for a night, pay him in expensive sake; it's the only way he'll settle down.


first impression: good cop / bad cop; ravenous.


one, the killer— the other, the healer; you may rarely encounter the both of them at the same time, but even knowing the name they call themselves will do: yamata no orochi, the eight-headed snake. fitting, for they have six other siblings.if you are based in yanxia or otherwise tied to the criminal dark, you may have heard of these beasts— they will do anything for a certain price.